Tuesday, September 6, 2011

[Also Funny] Butterfly to Humanity: If I Go Extinct I Swear...

A warning from a Karner blue butterfly to Humanity, taken from The Onion: http://www.theonion.com/articles/if-i-go-extinct-i-swear-i-will-take-as-many-humans,21250/

'I swear to you on all that is good and holy that before the Karner blue (butterfly) goes extinct, myself and the last remaining members of my species will take out as much of the human race as we possibly can. There will be mayhem. Children will die. People will suffer.
You think I'm kidding around? Keep messing with my habitat. Keep developing land and messing with my migratory patterns so that my food sources become even scarcer. Yeah, just keep on doing that and one night you're going to wake up with a knife to your throat as me and my last remaining friends force you to watch while we strangle your wife and kids.

Maybe then you'll take land conservation a little more seriously. But you know what? It will be too late because blood will be gushing out of a hole in your neck.
So, I'll give you one last warning, because this doesn't have to happen. If I were you, I'd seriously consider stepping up your conservation efforts, unless of course you want your buildings blown up and your people butterfly-gang-raped.'

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