Saturday, December 4, 2010

Wikileaks under attack

UPDATE: als paddestoelen schieten ze op, presente!

'The first serious infowar is now engaged. The field of battle is WikiLeaks. You are the troops. '  John Perry Barlow

Terwijl Wikileaks buitengegooid werd door Amazon in de VS, en Frankrijk ondertussen overweegt hetzelfde te doen, lijkt het erop dat bij sommigen de frank, respectievelijk dollar of euro, nog altijd niet gevallen is:

Julian Assange:
'The Cable Gate archive has been spread, along with significant material from the US and other countries to over 100,000 people in encrypted form. If something happens to us, the key parts will be released automatically. Further, the Cable Gate archives is in the hands of multiple news organisations. History will win. The world will be elevated to a better place. Will we survive? That depends on you.'

Daarom: download Wikileak insurance file hier

Just to make a point, Wikileaks Cablegate mirror nu ook hier:

Zie ook: help mass-mirroring

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